Tech Tools for Legal Writing: Run-On Sentences (Part 1) (Chat GPT Update)

Tech Tools for Legal Writing: Run-On Sentences (Part 1) (Chat GPT Update)

When I set up a legal writing course for associates, I am frequently asked by US or UK partners to make sure that the course addresses “run-on sentences”. These are the types of sentences that exhaust readers by running on, and on …. and on.

When I tell my students about this request, they sometimes get a confused look on their faces because:

  • the concept of run-on sentences does not exist in their native language; and/or

  • their culture’s legal tradition embraces long sentences.

In this article, you will learn about (i) how to identify run-on sentences in your writing and (ii) some tech tools to help you identify them more easily and quickly. (In Part Two, I will explain (i) how to fix these sentences and (ii) some tech tools to help you with the process.)

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Enjoyable Networking

Enjoyable Networking

In December of 2021, I had the pleasure of attending the CEELM Winter Ball, a festive event filled with good food and great discussions. Although I truly enjoyed this opportunity to catch up with old friends, I also found it fascinating to observe lawyers operating outside of their office comfort zone by partaking in the mysterious ritual of networking.

Why do so many of us struggle in networking conversations? And, what are the basics for making these conversations enjoyable? Read on to find out.

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The English Problem - A Misdiagnosis

The English Problem - A Misdiagnosis

Frequently, I hear students apologize for their English. For example, they will hand me writing samples with an embarrassed look on their face and try to lower my expectations with some strange excuse like “my English teacher was previously my parent’s Russian teacher.”

Such apologies drive me crazy because they are completely unnecessary. In 99% of the cases, after I review their sample, I discover that their English is more than adequate for their job.

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Webinar Takeaways: How to answer client questions

Webinar Takeaways: How to answer client questions

On 17 November 2020, we had a great webinar about how to answer client questions. To help us provide the audience with valuable insights, our guest speaker was Andras Nemeth, the head of the international legal department for Paks 2 Zrt.

You can find below three main takeaways from the webinar. In addition, if you would like to watch the video of the webinar, you can also find the video link below.

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Contract Drafting: A stylistic comedy

Contract Drafting: A stylistic comedy

When drafting an obligation in a contract, which of the following is the preferred format of your office?:

1. The Seller is obligated to transfer possession of the Property to the Purchaser.

2. The Parties hereby agree that the Seller shall transfer possession of the Property to the Purchaser.

3. The Seller covenants and agrees to transfer possession of the Property to the Purchaser …

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The Secret to Killer Presentations

The Secret to Killer Presentations

It’s your time to shine. You have been chosen to present at your favorite legal conference.

Naturally, you are a little nervous, but you expect your audience will start rocking once they warm up. As you get past five minutes, they are still not rocking. In fact, they look like dead fish with their mouths hanging open. This is not helping your confidence - you just want to get the hell out of there. So, you start to speed up your presentation, which confuses everyone … including you.

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Tech Tools for Legal Writing: Run-On Sentences (Part 1)

Tech Tools for Legal Writing: Run-On Sentences (Part 1)

When I set up a legal writing course for associates, I am frequently asked by US or UK partners to make sure that the course addresses “run-on sentences”. These are the types of sentences that exhaust readers by running on, and on …. and on.

When I tell my students about this request, they sometimes get a confused look on their faces because:

  • the concept of run-on sentences does not exist in their native language; and/or

  • their culture’s legal tradition embraces long sentences.

In this article, you will learn about (i) how to identify run-on sentences in your writing and (ii) some tech tools to help you identify them more easily and quickly. (In Part Two, I will explain (i) how to fix these sentences and (ii) some tech tools to help you with the process.)

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Profitable Lawyering: Say goodbye to the dog clients

Profitable Lawyering: Say goodbye to the dog clients

Lawyers can’t catch a break.

It seems like every week there is a news article predicting the demise of law firm lawyers.

Unfortunately, I have some even worse news for my firm friends. (But also some good news.)

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Talent Battle: Big Four vs. Big Law

I am seeing more and more quality lawyers opting to work for the Big Four affiliated law firms rather than the traditional leading law firms (“Big Law”). With this trend, the Big Law leaders are facing not only the destabilization of their staffing and client service efforts but also negative marketing and potential client attrition in connection with the loss of talented senior attorneys.

How are the Big Four winning the talent battle? And, what can the management of Big Law do to stem the tide? Read on to find out.

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New Firm Partners: Voting and Buy-In Requirements

New Firm Partners: Voting and Buy-In Requirements

In Central Europe, I have witnessed a strong trend of newly established law firms possessing high-growth potential due to the exceptional track record of their founding partners. As these firms strive to maintain their rapid upwards trajectory, many of them look towards recruiting to their firms additional partners with impressive books of business.

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