Next Academy Course

Training Date: TBD

Price per Participant: Euro 260 (+VAT, if applicable)

Register Now: click here.

Course Description

Although law firms focus on networking as a crucial pillar for their business development, most firms set their lawyers up for failure by providing artificial tools (e.g. uncomfortable elevator pitches) and unrealistic expectations (e.g. “go be a rainmaker”). As a result, we frequently see lawyers freezing up in the most basic of networking situations, struggling to engage in small talk and demonstrating an inability to truly listen for, and address, important client interests.

In this course, you will learn to avoid the trap of over complicating the networking process by identifying realistic outcome expectations for networking discussions as well as receiving natural tools to help you excel in client conversations. More importantly, you will have the opportunity to test out and receive feedback on your development with the course skills by participating in multiple conversational role-plays.

Training Outcomes

After the course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Build your confidence at networking events by understanding and addressing the hidden obstacles generated by our pessimistic legal mindsets.

  • Engage in client conversations with positive energy by focusing on improvisational acting and active listening techniques.

  • Take your networking to the next level by identifying and setting up quid pro quo deals as well as other opportunities to follow up on expressed client interests.

Sample Topics

  • What is the obvious flaw in relying on an elevator pitch?

  • How to transform boring chit-chat into meaningful conversations by focusing on (i) linking words and (ii) targeted questions?

  • How to utilize expressed interests to tactfully probe for business opportunities?

Your Trainer

Your trainer for this course is Aaron M. Muhly.

Common Questions

Number of Participants

As we would like to ensure that all of your colleagues can actively participate during the course and receive sufficient feedback, we recommend a maximum of 16 participants.


Your colleagues will participate in one 2-hour live workshop.


The course utilizes a workshop format. We will limit the time spent on lecturing in order to focus on (i) allowing the participants to practice the course techniques, (ii) providing each participant with valuable feedback on their networking styles, and (iii) encouraging discussions about their key concerns (e.g. how to discuss personal details).


The students can participate in the live session via Zoom.

Register for Natural Networking

Your office can register a colleague for our next academy course by completing the following form.